Mittwoch, 26. September 2012

Book 2 and 3 - Guinness World Records 2011 and 2012

The 'Guinness World Records'-Book 2011 includes a lot of records made by animals, humans or groups of people.
The outside of the book looks like gig fire flames in red, orange and yellow. Every page has got a new title with a lot of records from the same kind.
On every page, there is also a very small record on the top of the page, which contains a big number, which is printed very big, so that you can see it directly after opening the page.
I can't find any bad things about the book. It's very interesting and informative, and it's also very easy to read.

In the Book 'Guinness World Records 2012' you can find a lot of new, old and covered records from all over the world.
The layout of this book is very nice to see, and it's split up into different chapters like 'Country Records', 'Human Records' or 'Animal Records'. The outside of the Book is light blue and silver with 3D-looking waterbubbles on it. On every page, you can find a record for every date of the whole year. The most of the records are showing a small picture from the record.
What I don't like is, that a lot of the records from this book you can find in the 'Guinness World Records'-Book from 2011 too, and so it's not that interesting for people, who read the 2012-book already.
But it's very good to read if you are bored of for having fun while reading it.

Dienstag, 18. September 2012

Book 1 - ´Drachenläufer` (Kite Runner)

The Book ´Kiterunner` is about a small boy from Afghanistan called Amir Jan and its father is a rich political man. He has a very good friend called Hassan who is the son of the butler of Amir's dad and with him, Amir was taking part in a lot of kite competitions, but one day, after they won the competition and Hassan ran to catch the kite which they won, Amir saw what he should never have seen. Since this day, Amir went out of the way from Hassan. Weeks later, Hassan and his dad left Amir's and his Dad's house, and months later, the Russian and the American army move into Afghanistan, and Amir and his Dad left Kabul, the city where they live, too. They moved to America, where Amir's Dad get cancer and died after the marriage of Amir and a beautiful Afghani-girl. 15 years later, Amir got a call from a good old friend from his dad, and he went back to Afghanistan to pick up Hassan's son from an orphanage, because Hassan and his wife were killed by rebels. But before he was able to see the boy, he got into very big trouble with the Taliban, which are making the government now after the war between Russia and America. But Hassan's son can help Amir and Amir got to know that Hassan and he were brothers, and Hassan's son, called Suhrab, is his nephew. Because of the happenings from September 11th, 2001, the Americans started to bomb Afghanistan, and the Taliban had to leave Kabul and two other Afghanistan cities. After Suhrab tried to kill himself, he didn't say anything, but after a garden party from Amir and his wife, Suhrab is living at their house n America now, they take part in a kite competition, and Suhrab was starting to smile and ran for catching the kite, which he won.

I really enjoyed reading the book, it is written very well. It is written in first person and it shows very well the feelings and thoughts of the main character. The narrator describes his environment and the people in a lot of details so you can imagine how everything looks like and that is very impressive because the story of the book is very sad.